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Senior biomedical and health management experts, biomedical investment consultants, health and chronic disease management experts, and investment consultants in the biomedical industry .

The medical industry was enlightened in 1977 at the former Sichuan Medical College (West China Medical University), and served as a surgeon and anesthesiologist, serving surgery, anesthesia and critical care Heavy medical clinical. 1990begins to study in Boston, USA; 90-98 9 Studied Molecular Biology at Harvard Medical School ("Cell Growth Factors, Cytokinetic Factors and Cells Growth, Injury, and Mutation") doctoral program, and completed two postdoctoral research projects at Boston Children's Hospital, including "Adhesion Molecules and the Body's Injury Response Mechanisms" and "Pain and the Effects of Ultra-Long-Acting Local Anesthetics on the Nervous System", has published many papers.  

From the end of 1998 to 2001, he was a senior scientist and deputy director of the Molecular Pathology Department of a large US biopharmaceutical company (Millennium Pharmaceuticals Inc.), leading new molecular biology Microenvironment qualitative and quantitative technology research and new technology platform development, dedicated to high-throughput target gene screening and effect site efficacy identification research.

In 2000, He and Tongdao invested and established a biopharmaceutical company in the United States, and then cooperated with many domestic and foreign companies to develop the pharmaceutical industry, and introduced a number of domestic advanced new drugs, At the same time, it has accumulated rich experience in the construction and management of excellent biopharmaceutical enterprises. During this period, he participated in the formation and acquisition of biopharmaceutical companies and successfully listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in April 2001.

Since 2005Have been involved in national Research and development and application of new medical and health management service models, and participate in 11-5" national science and technology development support plan research and development work. After that, he continued to participate in a number of domestic cross-industry comprehensive project development and investment consulting work.

At the beginning of 2011, he devoted himself to the clinical application of new cell therapy and the research of immune cell therapy and stem cell technology. And the introduction of advanced reprogramming technology from the United States and Europe has successfully carried out the application and development of new pluripotent regenerative repair cells, and established a joint laboratory of new regenerative repair cells/immunotherapy cells/molecular biology, realizing the treatment of complex and refractory diseases. Breakthroughs have successfully treated hundreds of patients including myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and severe complications, neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune diseases and severe metabolic syndrome. At present, it is committed to the development of multi-directional clinical applications of pluripotent repair cells, and has achieved considerable development and improvement.

Phone: 400-099-1215

Company address: Tide Valley Biomedical Industrial Park, Xinxing Park, Gu'an County, Langfang City, Hebei Province

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