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Current Situation and Policy Guidance of Vocational Education

Vocational education is an investment in the future of individuals, businesses and nations

1. Reform and policy of vocational skills education In 2019, the State Council issued the "National Vocational Education Reform Implementation Plan" (20 items of vocational education), and proposed a series of new policy measures. In January 2021, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released the "National Vocational Qualification Catalog (professional and technical personnel occupationsprofessional qualifications) ”, further adjusting the scope of the national vocational qualification catalog, and the types of vocational qualifications have increased and decreased. With the gradual implementation of the policy, the vocational training market will also become more standardized.

2. The current situation and problems of vocational skills education New employment growth points and new employment forms are also constantly developing and changing, and it is urgent for workers to upgrade their human capital and professional skills. At the same time, vocational training also faces some new challenges. Mainly in the following three aspects:

●Skilled personnel training does not meet the requirements of industrial transformation and upgrading and technological progress;

"difficulty in employment" and "difficulty in recruiting" coexist, that is, the contradiction between structural employment is prominent, and the There is a gap between the ability of employment and entrepreneurship and the needs of employers;

The basic ability of training is weak, mainly because the supply capacity of training is not enough, and the pertinence and effectiveness of training need to be further improved To improve the social atmosphere of respecting labor and skills also needs to be further optimized.

3. Demand and prospect of vocational skills education Carrying out large-scale vocational skills training is an important measure to improve the employment and entrepreneurial ability of workers, alleviate structural employment contradictions, and promote employment expansion, and is an important support for promoting high-quality development. According to the latest "2021 China Vocational Training Market Research Report" released by iiMedia Research, the market size will exceed 230 billion in 2021, and over 50% of users have participated in vocational skills training. From 2020 to 2025, China will have a huge talent gap in ten key fields such as new generation information technology, elderly health care, and mental health, which means that the reality of talent shortage will become more and more severe. Therefore, it is imperative to speed up the cultivation of talents in new industries, new formats and new positions, and improve the professional skills and intelligence level of the existing workforce. The shortage of vocational skills will further promote the rapid development of China's vocational training market.

4. Privatization of vocational education is the most effective way In accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and other departments have studied and formulated the "14th Five-Year Plan" Vocational Skills Training Plan, which was deliberated and approved at the State Council executive meeting in December 2021. printed and published. The "Plan" clarifies that the standardized development of private vocational training institutions should be encouraged and supported in accordance with the law. Support social resources to provide private vocational training services by optimizing approval services and other methods. Strengthen the supervision of the school-running quality of private training institutions, and establish an industry self-discipline mechanism. This will allow follow-up capital to accelerate penetration. From 2021, the combination of vocational education track and capital will be more closely. On the one hand, vocational education companies start IPOs, such as Chuanzhi Education, etc.; , such as Zhonggong Education has disclosed the additional issuance plan.

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