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Current Situation of Hot Spring Industry

        The hot spring industry, as an emerging business, is rapidly growing However, along with the development boom, the phenomenon of hot spring tourism development mode and product similarity is becoming more and more serious. The competition of the same type of hot spring tourism products is very fierce, resulting in low economic efficiency and short life cycle of hot spring tourism enterprises. The precious resources bestowed by nature are being wasted seriously.

        Currently, the number of hot springs in China is4161, is the world's leading hot spring country, but not a hot spring industry power. At present, the hot spring industry generally facesAchilles Heel, entered into the dilemma of profit cyclical, after opening 3 ~5years, if there is no supplement of new products and new formats, the company will enter into a profit bottleneck, and the market share will decline year by year.

        From the perspective of existing products and consumption habits, the important reason for the growth of China's hot spring industry into the world's largest market is the population size rather than the high quality of spa resort products. The hot spring market has scattered supply, lack of cultural construction, worrying about sustainable development, and lack of brandingCreation of consciousness and industrial system are also problems existing in China's hot spring industry.

        From the perspective of history and resources, China and Japan also have various advantages that are incomparable to other countries. Our country is even better because of its vast territory and abundant resources. , but on the way to the development of hot spring tourism culture, our country is increasingly weak. Japan is not only prosperous in domestic hot spring culture, but also internationally "Japanese hot springs" Brand, and my country obviously has so many hot spring resources, but not only does not have a formed hot spring tourism culture in China, many Chinese even give priority to going to Hakone and Shizuoka in Japan when they want to go to hot springs.

        Japan is located on the Pacific Rim Volcanic Seismic Belt. It is a world-famous country with many volcanoes and earthquakes, but it is also due to frequent crustal movements that form Japan's rich hot spring resources. About 2600Multiple hot springs, there are7.5Wanjia Hot Spring Hotel. About 1.1100 million people use hot springs,Equivalent to the total population of Japan. In order to promote the development of the hot spring industry, Japan has enacted the Hot Spring Law and established a Japan Spa AssociationJapan Hot Spring Climate and Physical Medicine Society(Japan Medical Association)、 Beppu Onsen University and other societies, professional societies and institutions of higher learning.

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