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The significance of stem cell storage

Your cells today must be healthier and younger than your cells tomorrow.  

When healthy, our autologous stem cells grow continuously in the bone marrow; cell storage is an investment in health. When the body ages, our Autologous stem cells can be infused back, which can improve function, effectively repair damaged organs of the body, free the body from sub-health, and regain youthful vitality!

1. Treat diseases, save lives

The prospect of autologous stem cells in medical clinic is limitless, such as: diabetes, pediatric cerebral palsy, progressive muscular dystrophy, liver cirrhosis Diseases such as autologous stem cell transplantation and nervous system damage are now in the clinical trial stage, and clinical treatment can be achieved in the near future; so far, the results of major international authoritative research institutions have shown that autologous stem cell transplantation can be used to treat nearly 100 diseases in the future.

2. Anti-aging, sub-health

Autologous stem cells stored at your healthiest can fight aging and sub-health. The activity of stem cells stored when the body is young is better than the activity of cells after aging. Therefore, after the body is aging or diseased, the autologous stem cells stored in the youth will be reinfused, which will have amazing health care effects and achieve the goal of rejuvenating life. Purpose!

3. Self storage, safe and secure

Bone Marrow Transplant Or the transplantation of peripheral blood stem cells can treat blood cancer (leukemia) and various blood diseases, but a sufficient amount of stem cells is required to achieve efficacy, in vitro expansion has the risk of mutation, and the amount of stem cells collected at birth is not enough to treat adults In contrast, autologous stem cells collected from adults are the safest and most effective; moreover, the treatment of hematological diseases requires matching, and the DNAmore similar High, it is easier to succeed through genotype matching, and the half-match of the relatives can transplant your stored stem cells, which is equivalent to guaranteeing the health of your whole family. After chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the activity and vitality of cells are affected to varying degrees. Therefore, early storage of healthy stem cells can ensure their safety and effectiveness.

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