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Cell Therapy - Natural Killer (NK) Cells

Natural Killing(NK) cellsFunction and role:

Natural Killer(NK) cells are a Killing active lymphocytes, their main function is to resist viruses, clear senescent cells and kill tumor cells.

The function of NK cells in the human body
Features Function
Immune Defense
Remove foreign antigens (microorganisms, parasites, etc.)
Immune Stabilization
Remove damaged or senescent cells and metabolic waste
Immune Surveillance
Remove distortion and cancerous cells
Immune modulation
Secret after activationIFN-γ, TNF-α, GM-CFS and other cytokines

Functions1:NK CellResistCancer

NKcells are A key component of the immune system that can prevent tumorsbefore they form or spread Detects and destroys any abnormal cells in the body.

The medical community has found that individuals need to go from exposure to risk factors to cancer in the body5-20 years time, during this period, NK cells and cancer cells in the body "change and grow" and constantly "game". Researchers at Walter and Eliza HallviaDive intoProve,People with low NK cell activity are prone to cancer or virus infection; while NK cell activity is low Low cancer patients are prone to metastasis or recurrence.

Functions:2:NKCell Antivirus

        NKCells can recognize immune complexes and cell surface molecules infected by influenza virus, and after activation, secrete perforin to kill virus-infected cells.

        Similar to neutrophils, macrophages, etc., which belong to the same family of innate immune cells It has a wider range of removing bacteria and resisting viruses. Clinical studies have confirmedNKCells play an important role in many difficult viral infections, including cytomegalovirus, AIDS, and hepatitis B. In addition,NKCells fight parasites in the body , bacterial and fungal infections also play an important role.

Functions3: Clear senescent cells

        Immunosenescence is defined as the progressive loss of immune function through aging and involves all types of immune cells, countless diseases are associated with aging. With the increase of age, immune organs age, immune cells and cytokines decrease, the immune function of the body gradually weakens, and the incidence of infectious diseases, tumors, and mortality gradually increase.


Research data shows thatNKThe level of cell activity is closely related to health and longevity. YouthNKCell-killing activity in 63%around; middle-aged peopleNKThe killing activity of cells was significantly reduced, in 33%around; while centenariansNKthe cell-killing activity is as high as55%around.

2016yearnatural<natural"(Nature)The magazine published an article on the latest results of the Mayo Clinic in the United States : start with NKcells Elimination of senescent cells by primary immune cells extends animal lifespan20%~30%.

NKThe immune senescence of cells is getting more and more Considered a major player in age-related pathology and hyporesponsiveness,more activeNKCells are necessary for natural health.

NKThe three major cellular anti-agingFunction:

1. Directly destroy aging cells: To release cytoperforin to directly kill aging diseased cells.

2. Activate the apoptosis switch of aging cells: with aging cellsreceptorCombination makes aging cells move on their own metabolism.

3. Block the nutrient supply of aging cells: useIFN-yCut off the nutrient supply of aging cells and cause aging Cells die naturally.


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