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Stem cell regeneration therapy - spark wave therapy device

Spark waves are created by electrical sparks in water, and when they turn into plasma, high-energy ultrasonic waves are produced. Extracorporeal spark wave is a tissue regeneration technique that can be used in almost all tissues to stimulate regenerative factors in it. Spark waves stimulate tissue regeneration processes within tissues as well as at the cellular and vascular level, stimulating the self-healing mechanisms of diseased or injured affected tissues.

●Guides and stimulates stem cell migration to damaged tissues or organs. Therefore, it is a very important component in therapy using these cells, as it enhances their action and increases the efficiency of the therapy itself.
Stem Cell Migration and Differentiation. Angiogenesis: Stimulates and forms new blood vessels.
Stimulated growth factors and markers.
Bioengineering and tissue regeneration.
Reduces inflammation.
Activates tissue repair processes in chronic injury and disease that do not heal over time.
Stimulates osteoblasts and fibroblasts to generate new bone tissue.
Anti-inflammatory effects and resorption of calcifications in joints, tendons and ligaments (degenerative and rheumatoid arthritis).

Phone: 400-099-1215

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