Medical research shows that 90% of human diseases are related to immune system disorders, If the immune function is too high, it is easy to suffer from autoimmune diseases; the immune function is low, and it is easy to suffer from infectious diseases or tumors. Immune function is a kind of homeostasis. With the increase of age, the immune function will decline year by year, which is also the reason why middle-aged and elderly people are susceptible to various diseases.
If the sub-health state of human immune function imbalance cannot be detected in time, this will lead to The unbalanced state exists for a long time, and it is easy to cause various diseases and virus infection. Human cancer cells escape the surveillance and clearance of immune cells for a long time, and even cause cancer. Therefore, it is extremely necessary for healthy and sub-healthy people to conduct regular detection and timely maintenance of autoimmune function. Accurate immune function assessment is committed to maintaining the defense and protection system that is vital to our life and health by comprehensively and dynamically assessing the body's immune function.
Precise immune function test assessment:
Overall analysis of T cell function
●Analysis of cytokine status of T cells
●CD8+T cell function analysis
●NK cell function analysis
●γδT cell function analysis
●B cell function analysis
Hales International's first comprehensive assessment system for peripheral immune cell function:
Phone: 400-099-1215
Company address: Tide Valley Biomedical Industrial Park, Xinxing Park, Gu'an County, Langfang City, Hebei Province
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