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Sports nutrition and obesity genetic testing

Sports Nutrition Genetic Testing -Enable the exclusive sports password to reduce sports injuries and match personalized diets to make sports more efficient.


Genes can tell whether a person is good at endurance training or strength training, so Based on the difference of each person, teaching in accordance with aptitude can make people more adaptable and make progress faster, and motivate users to keep exercising.

In addition, the genetic test of VO2 max can determine the endurance training of this person. The ceiling, if the VO2 max is very good, proves that his endurance training can be improved very much. Based on such genetic testing, it is possible to determine whether a person is suitable for running a marathon, how much room for improvement in the marathon, and so on.

The detection of obesity susceptibility genes is to use the latest molecular biology and bioinformatics technology to comprehensively analyze the distribution and mutation of obesity genes in different populations, and conclude that Chinese people are obese closely related genes. Through a series of genetic analysis instruments and bioinformatics methods, the obesity susceptibility genes that play a key role in each individual are found.

Gene Biotechnology - Obesity genetic testing includes two major tests of obesity susceptibility and weight control , to help you understand your own risk of obesity, for youscientifically customize a personalized weight loss plan, precisely control your diet, and choose a reasonable exercise method , effectively prevent rebound after weight loss, and no longer need to lose weight blindly.

Through obesity gene detection, it will prompt us which product will be effective when we lose weight, Choosing the type of diet and exercise will not only greatly reduce unnecessary weight loss expenses, improve the efficacy, but also avoid causing greater harm to the human body.

Phone: 400-099-1215

Company address: Tide Valley Biomedical Industrial Park, Xinxing Park, Gu'an County, Langfang City, Hebei Province

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