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The rejuvenation of a strong country has me | Zhang Yuanzhi: Promote the deep integration of precision medicine and intelligent medicine

Time:2022-07-28 Views:1

A soldier with lofty ideals can heal the country, and a good doctor also cares for the people. Engaged in digital orthopaedic related research for 18 years, combining human anatomy, modern imaging, computer 3D reconstruction, reverse engineering technology and 3D printing technology, Zhang Yuanzhi has developed my country's first unshielded orthopedic surgical robot, improving the accuracy and safety of surgery At the same time, it has contributed wisdom and strength to the deep integration of precision medicine and intelligent medical technology in my country.

Zhang Yuanzhi at work (Photo courtesy of the interviewee issued by CCTV)

Zhang Yuanzhi is the chief physician of the Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University. He graduated from the Department of Military Medicine of Shanghai Second Military Medical University in 1986 and received his Ph.D. in 2005. Graduated from the First Military Medical University, and returned to the Department of Orthopedics of the Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University as a postdoctoral fellow in 2008. He has successively won 3 projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2 first-class provincial science and technology awards, published more than 100 papers, and authorized 31 patents. scientific worker".

In 2008, Zhang Yuanzhi declined high-paying employment in a first-tier city hospital and returned to his hometown for medical research work. "There are thousands of roads, and the scenery on the road is also different. No matter how far the footsteps are, the only suitable road for you to walk is the landscape of your hometown and the road of your hometown." Zhang Yuanzhi explained. Compared with the mainland, medical development in Inner Mongolia lags behind. In order to further improve the development level of medicine and intelligent medical care in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and promote the coordinated and orderly development of digital medicine in hospitals in the region, Zhang Zhiyuan’s team has successively established the first “Inner Mongolia Medical University” in Inner Mongolia Medical University. The "Digital Medicine Center" and "Digital Medicine Center and Intelligent Medical Robot Laboratory" continue to promote the transformation of achievements and the close integration of production, education, research and application.

The unobstructed orthopaedic robot developed by Zhang Yuanzhi's team (photo courtesy of the interviewee issued by CCTV)

With the rise of digital orthopedics, navigation technology and digital image fusion technology, orthopedic surgical robots have gradually become a hot development field. When Zhang Yuanzhi visited a robotic arm manufacturing company in Zhejiang, he found that the robotic arm is flexible and highly accurate. If the robotic arm can be integrated into orthopedic surgery, it will free the doctor's hands in front of the operating table, and the high precision can also be used for patients. for safer and more reliable treatment. After 3 years of hard work, Zhang Yuanzhi's team finally developed my country's first unshielded orthopedic surgery robot, which announced that Inner Mongolia orthopedic surgery has officially entered the era of robots.

Zhang Yuanzhi's team (Photo courtesy of the interviewee issued by CCTV)

In recent years, my country's medical industry has continued to promote digital transformation, and the integration of emerging digital technologies and medical health has comprehensively improved my country's governance level in medical health and public health. In "Internet + medical health" At the moment when it has become a national policy, the Internet, artificial intelligence and big data have gradually become the new infrastructure for the development of the medical industry. The development of medicine has entered the era of innovation, and the deep integration of precision medicine and intelligent medical technology has become the general trend of the current medical field in my country. "If Without innovative scientific research, there is no core technology, and artificial intelligence is also the future development direction of the hospital. " Zhang Yuanzhi said.

When asked how to better carry out scientific research, Zhang Yuanzhi said: "Scientific research needs to calm down, do learning, It can also be understood as sitting in learning, sitting down, enduring loneliness, perseverance, and perseverance. At present, the development of medicine in China has entered an era of innovation, only by not forgetting the original intention, constantly exploring, and doing scientific research step by step in a down-to-earth manner, Only by promoting the deep integration of precision medicine and intelligent medical technology can we provide high-quality medical services for the common people.”

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