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The application of artificial intelligence in the medical field

Time:2022-07-27 Views:1

AI (artificial intelligence) + medical treatment is the enabling phenomenon of artificial intelligence technology for application scenarios in medical-related fields. The construction of facilities and the collection of data apply artificial intelligence technology and big data services to the medical industry, improve the diagnostic efficiency and service quality of the medical industry, reduce the complexity and risk of various medical care, and respond to the growing demand for medical and health services. At the same time, with the development of the medical and health field, more diagnosis and treatment plans will be produced, which will further promote the application of artificial intelligence in various medical and health fields.

With the gradual maturity of technologies such as voice interaction, computer vision and cognitive computing in the field of artificial intelligence, the application scenarios of artificial intelligence With more and more abundant, artificial intelligence technology has gradually become an important factor affecting the development of the medical industry and improving the level of medical services. Its application technologies mainly include: voice recording of medical records, medical image-assisted diagnosis, drug research and development, medical robots, intelligent analysis of personal health big data, etc.

Here are the top five applications of AI in healthcare:


Smart Clinic

What is Smart Care? It is to apply artificial intelligence to medical diagnosis and treatment, let the machine "learn" the medical experience and medical literature knowledge of expert doctors, simulate the thinking logic of diagnosis and treatment, and give a plan in practical application. Now, the concept of intelligent diagnosis and treatment has been further expanded, and some preparations for diagnosis and treatment can also be undertaken by machines, further reducing the pressure on doctors.

Intelligent diagnosis and treatment runs through the entire process of the doctor's face-to-face consultation. The current mainstream development directions include: voice medical records, auxiliary decision-making, Risk warning and other fields. For example, intelligent voice medical records help doctors to quickly enter medical records through voice recognition technology. According to DXN data, more than 50% of resident doctors in China spend an average of more than 4 hours a day writing medical records. After using voice medical records, doctors’ chief complaints can be It is converted into text in real time, and the efficiency is greatly improved.

Another example is adjuvant therapy decision-making. Adjuvant therapy decision-making is the current focus of many technology companies. Through advanced algorithms, clinical guidelines Based on the knowledge base, combined with the experience of doctors, training on massive real clinical diagnosis and treatment data and discharge follow-up data can mine the correlation between treatment plans and outcomes, and compare the effects of different treatment plans. This will help doctors to provide more accurate and high-quality diagnosis and treatment plans for patients.


Smart Ward

Using artificial intelligence monitoring system, tracking prediction system and bedside interactive system to assist nursing care, this application is still relatively in China rare. In clinical treatment, individualized treatment plans can be achieved with the help of genetic testing and artificial intelligence. Some analysts believe that modern medical monitoring of patients' bodies is still at the stage of "blind man touching the elephant", and artificial intelligence can analyze the multi-dimensional information and multi-type data behind it according to some subtle changes in symptoms captured, and complete the treatment of chronic diseases. diagnostic warning.


Smart Voice Electronic Medical Record

Machine can complete the learning state by itself, learn and reach the first-class level in the industry, can surpass most professionals, artificial intelligence does not Like the old-fashioned impression before, it can only help humans in simple and repetitive work. Now, in complex mental work, even in some deep fields, artificial intelligence machines can also complete self-learning.

Artificial intelligence is changing our lives with one click. The Hefei voice electronic medical record and application platform project has completed the pilot project, and the doctor's way of seeing a doctor has been improved. With this change, artificial intelligence medical records can automatically generate electronic medical records, which can be stored for a long time, which solves problems such as incomprehension of dialects, loss of medical records, scribbled handwriting, and prevention of fraudulent medical records. satisfaction.


Medical Image Intelligent Recognition

AI medical imaging refers to using AI's technical advantages in sensory cognition and deep learning to apply it in the field of medical imaging, The realization of the machine's analysis and judgment of medical images is an auxiliary tool to assist doctors in completing diagnosis and treatment. It helps doctors to obtain image information faster, conduct quantitative analysis, improve the efficiency of doctors' viewing and reading of images, and assist in discovering hidden lesions. So as to achieve the purpose of improving the diagnostic efficiency and accuracy.

The application of artificial intelligence in medical imaging is mainly divided into two parts: one is image recognition, which is applied to the perception link. Its main purpose is to Analyze the image to obtain some meaningful information; the second is deep learning, which is applied to the learning and analysis process. Through a large amount of image data and diagnostic data, the neuron network is continuously trained in deep learning to enable it to master the diagnostic ability.


Medical Robots

Medical robot is an intelligent service robot with extensive sensory systems, intelligent and precise actuators, and is used for medical or Auxiliary medical work. The purpose of medical robots is not to replace the surgeon, but as an auxiliary tool to expand the surgeon's surgical ability, improve the quality of surgery, and reduce the doctor's work intensity.

Medical robots have a wide range of concepts, including surgical robots, rehabilitation robots, medical service robots, and micro-detection and treatment robots. . Surgical robots can be divided into microsurgery robots, neurosurgery robots, ENT shell surgical robots, plastic surgery and orthopaedic surgical robots, etc.

In recent years, my country has clearly proposed to develop "high-performance diagnosis and treatment equipment such as medical robots", and medical service robots have shown a rapid growth trend. Data show that in 2020, the scale of my country's medical service robot market will reach 5.94 billion yuan, and it is expected that China's medical robots will further reach 9.71 billion yuan in 2022.

In the future, with the excellent algorithms and big data analysis of AI + medical treatment, the data barriers of various service ports of related service platforms will gradually be opened up. To achieve the perfect landing in various core application scenarios, and ultimately improve the overall domestic medical level.

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