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"Fat House Happy Water" can increase the risk of liver cancer by 78%! One can a day, the liver is finished!

Time:2022-07-21 Views:4

["Fat House Happy Water" can increase the risk of liver cancer by 78%! One can a day, the liver is finished! ]Recently, scientists from the University of South Carolina, Harvard University and other research institutions have The American Academy of Nutrition shared their latest research results, proving that women who drank more than one can of sugar-sweetened beverages (355ml, 330ml can of Coke) per day were more likely to drink less than 3 cans of sugar-sweetened beverages per month. Liver cancer risk increased by 78%! It seems that the use of "sweet burden" to describe sugar-sweetened beverages is still too mild. Drinking beverages will not only make you fat, but also increase the risk of cancer. It should be called "sweet killer". The study was published in Current Developments in Nutrition. ▲Excerpted from "Bio Valley"

[Study finds that the relationship between negative symptoms and cognitive impairment varies across subtypes of schizophrenia deficit syndrome ]The neurocognitive and empathic abilities of the deficient patients were worse than those of the non-deficient patients. In chronic schizophrenia, negative symptoms may play a role in cognition in both deficit and non-deficient groups play a different role.

Related research results were published online in Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. The research work was supported by the International Cooperation Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Key Laboratory of Mental Health of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. ▲Excerpted from "Bio Valley" 

Oily skin needs moisturizing too

Many people with oily skin will wash their faces with facial cleanser several times a day, use oil-control shrinking lotion, mask, but it is very Use moisturizer sparingly. This approach is very wrong, because oil control and hydration are not contradictory at all.

Skin oil is produced by the sebaceous glands, and water is an important part of the protective barrier function in the stratum corneum of the skin. Oily skinned people often have the problem of over-cleaning because they produce a lot of oil, and oil-controlling cosmetics or More or less will have the effect of drying the skin. If it is acne-prone skin and the irritation of acne medicines, the skin will often In a state of oily and dehydrated, it is manifested as oily T-zone and peeling cheeks. The skin will become sensitive in this state of dehydration for a long time, and the cosmetics used in the past will feel irritating, and many Intolerance to acne medication is not just a matter of aesthetics.

If you have oily skin, it is recommended to use a mild method to wash your face, do not use too much scrub and strong alkaline facial cleanser, Cleansing soap to avoid damaging the skin's barrier;Choose a refreshing moisturizer and stick to it, especially People who are taking medication to treat acne need to protect the skin barrier function to increase the tolerance and efficacy of the drug. ▲Excerpted from "People's Health Network"

The prevention of sports injuries mainly includes 7 aspects:

①Choose an appropriate exercise and formulate a reasonable exercise plan;②Wear sports-appropriate clothing and socks when exercising;③Pay attention to the safe use of sports venues and equipment;④Fully warm up before exercise and perform dynamic stretching Stretch;⑤ Exercise should be carried out according to the requirements, and the movements should be standardized as much as possible. If there are dangerous sports or those who are prone to falling, attention should be paid to sports protection;⑥After the exercise, the finishing exercise should include static stretching;⑦Sick people should do physical activities under the guidance of doctors. For example, diabetic patients should not exercise on an empty stomach, exercise every day or every other day, and hypertensive patients should not exercise head down. ▲From "People's Republic of China" Health Network》

Vegetarian iron supplementation

Iron is a component of hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochrome, and certain respiratory enzymes, and is involved in the transport and organization of oxygen in the body respiratory process and maintain normal hematopoietic function. Iron deficiency anemia caused by iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world. Mainly occurs in infants and young children, women of childbearing age and the elderly, especially pregnant women. The Chinese Nutrition Society recommends iron intake of 12 mg/day for adult men and 20 mg for women /sky. The best food sources of iron are red offal and meat rich in heme iron, such as liver, Hearts, poultry gizzards, animal blood, red beef and mutton and lean pork, etc. But vegetarians can only supplement through plant-based foods, and the body's absorption rate of iron from plants is much lower iron in animals. So vegetarians need to eat iron-rich plant foods (such as black fungus, pine mushrooms) every day. , highland barley, tofu skin, etc.), and intake of foods rich in vitamin C to improve the absorption rate of iron. ▲Excerpted from "Life Times" (Wang Xufeng)

Junk food kids have allergies

New evidence that junk food is bad for your health. A new Italian study finds that high intake of junk food such as microwaved and grilled meats increases food allergies in children risk.

Associate Professor Roberto Beni Canani of the University of Naples, Italy, and his research team conducted a study on 61 6-12 year olds Children conducted observational studies. Participants were divided into three categories:Food allergy, respiratory allergy, and healthy controls. Comparative analysis found that among the three groups of children tested, children with food allergies ingested high-sugar foods, Processed foods, microwaved foods, and junk foods such as grilled meats are the most common. Studies have shown that junk food contains a lot of non-enzymatic end products of glycation, and excessive intake of this substance is associated with There was a significant correlation between food allergies in children. Non-enzymatic glycation end products are involved in various oxidations such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, and neurological diseases. The pathogenesis of sexually transmitted diseases plays a role in fueling the flames. Therefore, parents are advised that in order to reduce the risk of food allergy in children, measures should and must be taken to limit children's long-term eating junk food. ▲Excerpted from "Life Times"

The thicker the Chinese herbal decoction, the better?

In daily life, many people think that if the decoction of traditional Chinese medicine is very thick, it will have better effect . But in fact, the more concentrated the traditional Chinese medicine, the better, the higher the concentration of the decoction, the better the effect, the concentration is certain To be in moderation.

Decoction of traditional Chinese medicine is a process in which the active ingredients in the decoction pieces of traditional Chinese medicine are continuously released and dissolved. This spreading movement stops.At this point, if you continue to cook, in order to "thick and thicker" Not only the active ingredients in the drug will not be released, but also the non-active ingredients (such as resins, gums, pigments and other macromolecular compounds) will be continuously dissolved, which will reduce the active ingredients in the liquid due to continuous evaporation. It can even be damaged and reduce the efficacy of the medicine in the high temperature for a long time.And the long-term decoction also It is easy to fry, and in severe cases, the pot will be damaged.Excessively concentrated concoction will aggravate it. The bitter taste makes it difficult for patients to take the medicine, and side effects such as nausea and vomiting will occur after taking the medicine.Therefore, for To make the traditional Chinese medicine exert its due effect, not only should it be decocted for a certain period of time as usual, but also the amount of filtering should not be less than 180 ml (about 90% of a bowl); if it is decoction for children to take , due to the small dose, the amount of liquid filtered each time can be reduced to about 120 ml.▲From "Health Times"

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[Life Tips]Reduce the sweetness of stir-frying, reduce the salt without reducing the taste

Sweetness will reduce the tongue's perception of salty taste, so add less or try not to add sugar when cooking, so that less Add salt to get the salty taste you want. When eating out, try to order as few sugar-added dishes as possible, such as Yuxiang eggplant, Yuxiang shredded pork, Cola chicken wings, Kung Pao chicken, etc.

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