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Cell Week News: "Clinical cure" achieved after domestic original research CAR-T treatment

Time:2022-07-20 Views:1

Sichuan Province "Several Measures on Further Promoting the Innovative Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry (Trial)":< /strong>

Sichuan Provincial Food and Drug Administration issued the "Several Measures on Further Promoting the Innovative Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry (Trial)" (Sichuan Food and Drug Administration [2022] No. 69) to encourage innovation in drug research and development. Encourage enterprises to independently develop and build production facilities, and support the use of contract R&D and production organizations (CDMOs), contract manufacturing organizations (CMOs) and other methods to develop antibody drugs, gene therapy, cell therapy and other innovative drugs, as well as clinically urgently needed drugs. Drug research and development, production. Under the framework of the inter-office joint meeting on vaccine management, explore and establish a working mechanism for major innovative vaccine review. Establish a collaborative mechanism to support the innovation and development of radiopharmaceuticals together with relevant departments.

Sichuan Provincial Food and Drug Administration

Achieving "clinical cure" after domestic original CAR-T treatment: In May 2017, Ms. Ma relapsed and became resistant to multiple lines of treatment. With the help of the director team including Professor Chen Saijuan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor Mi Jianqing, head of the multiple myeloma subspecialty, and other directors, they received the first original BCMA-targeting CAR-T cell infusion in China at Ruijin Hospital, and have achieved five years of infusion. Disease free survival. At present, Ms. Ma can walk normally, play table tennis and listen to music normally, and she has completely returned to her normal life.

The Paper

Japanese team uses autologous cells for ulcerative colitis organoid transplantation: Tokyo Medical and Dental University medical team is the first in the world to use organoid technology to treat patients with the intractable disease "ulcerative colitis" Transplant surgery was performed. The organoids used in the surgery are cultured from the patient's own cells, and are a collection of various intestinal cells, including stem cells that can generate mucous membranes. The patient is reported to be in good condition after the transplant. In the future, we will target patients who are difficult to respond to existing drugs, and will be treated together with conventional drugs. It is planned that in the next year and a half, another seven people will be transplanted.

Stem Cell Home

FDA Approves Diabetes Stem Cell Drug VX-880 Clinical Trial Continues:VertexPharmaceuticals announced that the US FDA has lifted the approval of the Phase 1/2 clinical trial of its stem cell therapy VX-880 On hold, the trial will restart screening and recruitment in multiple locations in the United States. Vertex has administered a high dose of VX-880 to one patient and a low dose to two patients so far, and Vertex aims to enroll a total of 17 patients, with more data expected by the end of this year or early 2023.


Stem cell transplantation for AL amyloidosis brings long-term survival and curative potential: Researchers from the Boston University/Boston Medical Center Amyloidosis Research Center found that among patients with AL amyloidosis, HDM /SCT can prolong survival time and improve safety. In addition, for the first time, they developed a predictive score to assess event-free survival after stem cell transplantation. Event-free survival was defined as the time between stem cell transplantation and initiation of the next course of treatment or death, whichever occurred first.


First 'fast' rapid CAR-T human clinical trial results released: New research published in the Blood Cancer Journal, a hematology special issue, shows that the world's first 18 patients who received FasTCAR-T cell therapy In the treatment of patients with relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia, it was found that this therapy is not only safe and controllable, but also has more "younger" cells than traditional CAR-T, stronger in vivo expansion ability, longer retention time, and better curative effect, which is worthy of follow-up. Further research and exploration.

Medical Blood Channel

Chinese scientists have discovered a new type of killer anti-cancer immune cells:Li Ming's team from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center published important research results in the journal "Nature Immunology" and found that ILC1 can sense IL-15 secreted by tumor cells plays a cytotoxic role and directly kills tumor cells. This discovery expands our understanding of the function of natural lymphocytes and may bring new ideas for the treatment of some tumors.

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