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Digital analysis + AI health has broad prospects

Time:2022-07-18 Views:3

According to the "2022 China Health Industry White Paper", digitalization will become the core driving force for the future growth of the medical and health industry, and a new round of industry The competitive landscape has changed significantly. Under the combined action of multiple factors such as policy promotion, technological iteration, market evolution, and the normalization of the epidemic, the medical industry is embracing digital technology with an unprecedented attitude and is fully moving towards the era of "digital rule". Or will reshape the medical and health industry. In the past year, the primary market trading activity in the digital medical field has increased significantly, the number of exchanges in the digital medical field has shown an explosive trend, and the IPO issuance has achieved a leap.

Regulatory policies accelerate the reform of the medical supply side and enter the deep-water area, forcing the upstream and downstream industries to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and comply with laws and regulations. From the traceability of the whole process of drug digitalization for pharmaceutical companies, to the reform of hospital informatization led by the full coverage of tertiary hospitals with electronic medical records for hospitals, and the encouragement of the financing of commercial health insurance in the context of increasingly tight medical insurance payments. Second payment Platforms, etc., major players such as pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and insurance companies need to respond quickly and actively to adapt to regulatory requirements.

According to CPDA data analysts, cutting-edge technologies are emerging one after another, injecting a steady stream of new impetus into the industry. AI+ drug research and development is in the verification stage in China, and has rapidly entered the growth stage from the initial stage, and will gradually develop its strength in the middle and late stages in the future; medical robots have come to the key intersection of clinical verification, among which surgery and rehabilitation robots are the most recognized by the industry. Commercial breakthroughs that further improve the installation rate and startup rate are worth looking forward to; Extended Reality (XR) is in the ascendant, and will be gradually applied to multiple scenarios such as disease treatment, clinical assistance, rehabilitation training, medical education and training, and medical nursing in the future. innovative user experience and innovative diagnosis and treatment paths; digital twins are beginning to appear, and applications with greater commercialization potential in the medical and health field will first be obtained on the pharmaceutical companies and patients, such as digital drug testing models, precision medicine, health monitoring and management, etc. Transformation; digital therapy (DTx) has gradually developed and matured, with "three highs and three highs" (with clear indications and principles and mechanisms, clear evidence-based medical evidence, clear payers and high base patient numbers, high growth rate, high willingness to pay) ) digital therapy companies (such as ophthalmology and psychiatry) will continue to receive the attention of capital, and the first-mover advantage of leading companies will enable them to quickly gain a position advantage from other companies.

It is worth mentioning that the secondary market in the medical and health industry has frequent "breaks" and "upside downs", and the market will "Rationality" comes first. The first is rational thinking about demand analysis, that is, whether a track is a real demand or a pseudo demand, whether the demand is rigid, and whether the market capacity and ceiling are large enough; the second is rational thinking about commercialization, that is, whether the business model can theoretically run The third is to think rationally about supervision, that is, whether the logic of today is the logic of tomorrow, and whether the current policy will remain the same in the future. Applicable, in the context of medical insurance cost control, vacating cages and changing birds, where is the long-term way to go? How to gain a comprehensive insight into the secondary market of the medical and health industry through data analysis has a bright future.

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