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Visualized minimally non-invasive musculoskeletal regenerative medicine—bringing the gospel to more orthopedic patients

Time:2022-07-14 Views:3

On June 25th, the launching conference of the Visualized Micro-Non-invasive Musculoskeletal Regenerative Medicine Specialist Alliance and the Liaoning Cell Biology Society Visualized Micro-Non-invasive The preparatory meeting of the Musculoskeletal Regenerative Medicine Committee was held in Shen. Leaders and expert representatives from Shenyang Science and Technology Bureau, Liaoning Cell Biology Society, Neusoft Xikang and some medical institutions attended the conference.

Chen Zhenjun, Dean of the Central Hospital Affiliated to Shenyang Medical College, delivered a speech on behalf of the Chairman Unit and the Chairman of the Specialty Alliance, and expressed his appreciation for attending this meeting. The expert colleagues and representatives of the alliance expressed our heartfelt thanks and the most sincere welcome. Professor Li Pei from the Shockwave Medical Center of the Affiliated Central Hospital of Shenyang Medical University, as the executive chairman of the Specialty Alliance and the leader of the preparatory group of the Specialized Committee, made a report on the significance and development of the Specialized Alliance, the preparation and establishment of the Specialized Committee and the direction of its work. Zhao Meng, secretary-general of the Liaoning Cell Biology Society, presided over the preparatory meeting of the special committee and gave a lecture on scientific research literacy training. Wang Lisha, executive vice chairman of the Liaoning Provincial Society of Cell Biology, delivered a speech on behalf of the society, and hoped that after the establishment of the Liaoning Provincial Society of Cell Biology's Visualized Minimally Non-invasive Musculoskeletal Regenerative Medicine Special Committee, it will continue to promote this technology in more grass-roots hospitals and give full play to scientific Rigorous research style, produce more scientific research results, and bring professional services to more patients.

The "Visual Minimally Invasive Musculoskeletal Regenerative Medicine" specialist alliance established by the Central Hospital of Shenyang Medical College will radiate nationwide to primary medical care The institution builds a remote consultation platform, and uses the multidisciplinary expert resources of the Visualized Micro-Non-invasive Musculoskeletal Regenerative Medicine Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Society of Cell Biology. Supported by the research and promotion of minimally non-invasive regenerative medicine technology to promote visualization of musculoskeletal diseases (Project No.: 20-205-4-019). It is believed that under the leadership of Professor Li Pei, this medical technology will be promoted to primary medical institutions in a standardized manner, which will bring good news to more orthopedic patients and contribute to the construction of a healthy community in healthy China.

Group photo of experts at the launch conference of the Visual Minimally Invasive Musculoskeletal Regenerative Medicine Specialist Alliance

Speech by President Chen Zhenjun of the Central Hospital Affiliated to Shenyang Medical College

Speech by Wang Lisha, Executive Vice President of Liaoning Cell Biology Society

Professor Li Pei from the Shockwave Medical Center of the Affiliated Central Hospital of Shenyang Medical Center gave a speech

Zhao Meng, Secretary General of Liaoning Cell Biology Society, presided over the preparatory meeting

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