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New Oxygen released the "2021 China Medical Beauty Anti-aging Consumption Trend Report"

Time:2022-07-13 Views:2

Aiming at the fast-growing medical beauty and anti-aging market, recently, Xinhua Finance and New Oxygen released the "2021 China Medical Beauty Anti-aging Consumption" Trend Report. The report shows that optoelectronic projects in the medical aesthetics and anti-aging market are the most popular, and the proportion of medical and anti-aging consumers who choose optoelectronic projects is increasing. The rampant "beauty" has also brought more challenges to anti-aging consumption.

In 2021, the medical beauty and anti-aging market will be huge.

Women are the unsuspenseful consumers in the medical beauty anti-aging market, accounting for 92.73% of the entire target consumer group.

The joint survey shows that most consumers who have experienced medical beauty and anti-aging have achieved positive improvement results, of which 23.64% of consumers experienced significant improvement after experiencing medical beauty anti-aging programs, and nearly 70% of consumers experienced slight improvement.

Medical beauty anti-aging treatment is very important, and ensuring multiple, long-term and high-frequency maintenance is the key to improving the effect. Nearly 80% of consumers believe that medical beauty and anti-aging needs regular multiple treatments to maintain the effect.

In the importance of the effect factors of the medical beauty anti-aging project, the "experience and technology of operating doctors" scored as high as 8.31, and the scores of doctors were as high as 8.31. The technology and experience of the company have become the main factors affecting consumers' decision-making in medical beauty and anti-aging consumption.

Dr. Zhao Xiaozhong, a doctor on the New Oxygen Emerald List and President of Xiaozhong Lige Medical Cosmetology Chain, reminded that doctors with basic skills A number of factors, such as solidity, proficiency with the instrument, as well as aesthetics and conscientiousness, will affect the final result. Taking the optoelectronic anti-aging project as an example, the public generally thinks that this type of project is not difficult and easy to get started. It can also lead to serious consequences such as hyperpigmentation, blisters, and even scarring.

90% of the equipment in illegal medical and beauty establishments are fakes, anti-aging consumption is imminent

The medical beauty industry is developing rapidly, and various new medical beauty products emerge in an endless stream, providing conditions for the breeding of "black medical beauty". At present, there are a lot of chaos in the medical beauty market, such as excessive packaging of items, proliferation of counterfeit products, and non-professional institutions and practitioners conducting business.

Assuming that the number of instruments operated by compliant doctors and "black doctors" is similar, it can be deduced that in the "black places" of medical beauty The counterfeit and inferior optoelectronic devices used account for about 64.8% of the total optoelectronic devices in the entire market, and more than half of the optoelectronic devices on the market are unqualified.

The essence of medical aesthetics and anti-aging is still medical behavior, and there are certain risks. Unprofessional practice behavior may lead to more serious as a result of. According to the "White Paper on Civil Trials of Medical Aesthetic Dispute Cases" issued by Beijing Chaoyang Court, in the face of a mixed market of medical aesthetics and anti-aging, Xinhua Finance and New Oxygen suggest that consumers should fully understand the taboos and Risks, consumers who have doubts about doctors and institutions can check the qualifications of institutions and doctors on the official website of the National Health Commission or through some vertical Internet medical beauty service platform products such as medical beauty inspection; regular instruments and injections have official Consumers can identify the corresponding equipment and products through the original factory certification; fully understand the product description before paying in advance, conduct a rational analysis of their own needs, and treat them seriously. Medical beauty project.

Faced with the chaos in the medical aesthetics market, relevant government departments have attached great importance to it, and a series of regulatory policies have been introduced one after another. strike. With the passage of time, the irregularities in the medical aesthetics and anti-aging industry will be more effectively rectified and eliminated, and the non-compliant small and medium-sized medical and aesthetic institutions will be gradually cleared out of the market, and the formally operating medical and anti-aging service institutions will welcome for better development.

New Oxygen also urges the self-discipline of the whole industry chain of the medical beauty industry through multi-party participation and joint supervision through the industry self-discipline action initiated. Supervision, jointly promote the "small and scattered" medical beauty industry to move towards standardization, and comprehensively build a "firewall" for medical beauty black production. With the joint efforts of the industry, the self-discipline action of China's medical aesthetics industry has achieved phased results, but the road to industry governance still has a long way to go. And New Oxygen also looks forward to joining hands with more partners and making every effort to contribute to the vigorous development of China's medical beauty industry.

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